- (425) 502-7034
- shierystutoring@gmail.com
- Mon CLOSED | Tues-Fri 3:00 PM - 8:00 PM | Sat 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM | Sun 10:00 AM - 6:30 PM
- 14715 NE Bel-Red Rd, Ste 103, Bellevue
Know your student plans to attend one or more of our classes? Now, you can join our STARS program and save! The STARS program applies to all of our services. Pay in advance and get a discount. It's perfect for families - a great way to know your students are safe, learning and having fun.
Purchasing STARS $$ is a great way to get a discount by pre-paying - purchasing a credit at a discount is like buying a gift card on sale. After the credit pays for your monthly invoice, you will receive an email with your updated balance. You can purchase a STARS $$ package at any time, but credit cannot be applied to overdue invoices.
Below are some very important points about our STARS program that you'll want to know. If you have any other questions, you can email us directly at nfukuhara@shierystutoring.com.
We know school during the pandemic has been rough. These courses are designed to help your student get caught up and prepared for testing.
Seats are limited so sign up while spots last!